

I get jealous seeing other people. This is because they're something that I am not, something I want. First, it's the community. I want to be in a community, surrounded by people, enjoying communicating with people, achieving something wit…

i want to be the best.

I want to be the best. I want to be the most beautiful, I want to be the smartest, I want to have good relationship with people around me. These four years have taught me that I cannot have it all. 自分を持ちながら、ストレスなしで、綺麗に…


久しぶりの投稿になる。 これまで日記をつけていたが、やはり手書きは一定のめんどくささがあるので、こうやってタイピングした方が自分が思っていることを早く書き残せる。 最後の投稿が5月だったが、就職活動の真っ最中だった。ダイキンから内定もらってい…