Hectic but Loving it.


I finished the hokkaido video, received mugcup for shoshi, and studied international trade. and then i went out with Mizuho. t'was a long day.

I still get rashes on my body, so I decided to write the days when i have to use steroids down on my schedule.

i realize more and more of the importance of keeping good schedule because im just too busy. i lose track.

but i like this. i like being busy doing what i love. i love making people genuinely happy and it's worht all the hard work and staying up late. 

i need to finish the JICA application by 25. WHen i talk to mizuho, i realized the importance of being yourslef and not conforming to the immense pressure set by paretns and society. at the end of the day, you are the one who makes the decision and you are the one who takes the responsibility.

and please dont crush your pimple, it leaves scars. thanks.