


Again, it breaks my absolute heart when I see dad suffer. He’s giving away his life for the sake of us. He’s working hard even though he has a headache to give us the life where we can achieve our goal. It’s such a luxury to be given an opportunity to explore my options and dream. 

The only thing I can do is to work hard to achieve my dream and to tell my family how much I am grateful for them. It’s hard for me to articulate my gratitude but I should try. Throw away the shyness and embarrassment -you will regret it later. Get out of the comfort zone and show them how much they mean to you through action. 

I should always remember to work hard; well, if I’m doing what I love, hard work isn’t quite hard work. And give. Give without expecting return. 


I am really really busy, but I've never felt this fulfilled in my life because I am busy doing what I truly love. 

Honestly, job application is a very good opportunity for us students to find out what we really want to do with our lives. If we are living like we are, we never really have the chance to be forced to think about it. By strenuously thinking about it, you can truly make your life worth living for. 

For me, applying for internship for JICA and ASEP really helped me find what I truly, really want to pursue. it was a stressful and dreadful process, but I am happy I went through it. if it weren't for this, I wouldn't have been able to know that I want something to do with East Asia and Protecting the Environment. And, everything I'm doing is connected to this. 

For classes, I am taking a seminar that focuses on economic development in East Asia, which is a region I'm very interested in. 


It's really important to remind myself of why I'm doing what I'm doing because it can get lost in the chaos of everyday life. 


- how to balance circle and job hunting:

i guess job hunting is way more important than circle, but you should find a way to balance these two by scheduling intelligently. but always put job hunting before circle. when your job hunting is done, don't go travel, and instead focus on your initiative. don't be strongly influenced by what others are doing -going to the big, best companies. you know you're probably going to die working for those companies. you know what you want to do, so select very carefully according to your interest and suitability. now, focus on networking and pursuing what you want to do. again, it is such a luxury to be able to even look for what I want to do, because many people are too busy trying to survive every day.