
Spark in my eyes

04/19 Although it's technically already tomorrow, I still would like to reflect on today. I've accumulated the diary on my phone for like four days, but I want to applaud myself for continuing this writing process. It is such an interestin…

Job Hunting...

4/18 Wow so much happens in one day. Everyday. I guess I’m lucky because I learn how to get used to the chaos. Today started with my insatiable desire to study abroad again and me googling my justifications for not going. I am here to stay…

Busy Life

2019.04.17 Feeling extremely tired but still managing to write this. Today was a hassle; I went to uni, studied, studied some more, recruited people for the circle, and studied. I hate to say this but I love this busy life. I feel like I’m…

The Power of Rikedan

2019.04.16 Yesterday I decided to work hard because I’m privileged. But then, in the morning, on the train, I realized I was under much stress. I am a perfectionist and when things don’t go as I planned, I stress. I should always remember …