
I am so sick. My stomach has not been working and wreaking havoc for a week.

I have removed my boyfriend from my Instagram follower list on a whim. I don't know what to do about this. I don't think he will notice.

I don't know what to do about my physical and mental instability. It's just unhealthy and I want to stop.

but I've just always been physically weak and this really can't be stopped.


I need to remove stress from my life.


彼氏ともうまく行ってないし、親を失望させるし、私はなんて価値のない人間なんだろう。と思ってしまう。でも私は価値のない人間じゃないしちゃんと生きてるし生きる意味はある。4月にちゃんと働き始めたら大丈夫。自分は何かちゃんとやってるって思いたくてスケジュールを埋めまくっていたけど、やはり精神的・肉体的負担は酷くて、そのせいで肌荒れしたり過敏性胃腸炎になったりしてる。でもive tried everything to feel like im worth something but it just doesnt seem to be working at all. i just cant stop hating myself and working hard to prove i am worth something and fallling ill. i cant stop repeating this cycle. but i guess i need to.


・You are so dissatisfied about your boyfriend's late replies and lifestyle and lies. 


・accept that you are メンヘラ。

・ per week, 1 plan. 2 at maximum if necessary.

・always have be in a community, have something to do.





