I feel better mentally and physically

After having gone to Yakushima I feel so much better.

I think I've just figured out my life; what makes me happy, what stresses me out.


I love activities in the nature. Especially, hiking was so fun.


Work: サントリーでマーケでも、物流でも頑張る。

Hobby: 登山(ハイキング)、水彩画、音楽、写真、旅行。

Learning: 中国語と新興国教育・支援のボランティアを何かしら見つけてやる。

I like learning: I want to forever be learning.


I have mixed feelings about my seminar. I don't like the エリート主義. I don't really like anyone expect for Rina. I will just do what I can do,